Why Pro-QMS?

Customization Possible: While it has been benchmarked as per the global standards, Pro-QMS is indigenously designed and developed by DSS for the Indian shop floor conditions. As a result, while meeting the international requirements, Pro-QMS offers significant advantage in terms of customization - of reports, graphs and formulae used. Further, upgradation of the software as per the latest quality standards QS 9000/TS 16949 is also considerably facilitated, as it would be carried out locally by DSS themselves. What emerges is a system tailor made to suit customer’s requirements.

Use with Multiple Manufacturers’ Gauges and Instruments: Pro-QMS provides a platform for integration and support of various instruments manufactured by different vendors like Baker, Mitutoyo, Dumore and others. Any instrument with an electronic output, which measures not only physical but also process parameters, can be connected directly to the PC, with suitable device drivers provided by DSS. This provides a remarkable flexibility in on-line data acquisition. In other words, you do not need to be tied down to any specific gauge manufacturer.

Best Analysis Software: Having been in the software development business, with particular emphasis on quality improvement, for domestic as well as international clients for 28 years, DSS has the expertise and knowledge to provide the best analysis software for SPC. One of the very useful features of Pro-QMS is the provision for the complex Normality Test, including Skewness, Kurtosis values and Box Cox transformation of non-normal data. Furthermore, Pro-QMS is perhaps the only software of its kind, which includes the Measurement System Analysis (MSA) for instruments, as per the AIAG 3rd edition. This covers Gauge R&R, Linearity, Bias and Stability.

Complete software for Quality Management: While companies manufacturing gauges have developed such systems in-house, Pro-QMS is unique in that it provides the entire range spanning SPC, MSA, Non-Conformity Management and Trend Analysis, with on-line acquisition of data to facilitate instantaneous analysis. Pro-QMS has the facility to provide “Quality Measurement Data” and “Defects Data” to enable quality analysts to carry out the “root cause analysis” for the chronic defects, as well as find and implement counter measures. Impact of the counter measures can be measured through reduction in the “cost of rejection and rework” computed and provided by Pro-QMS.

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